In 2004, Congress passed Project BioShield, President George W. Bush’s $6 billion effort to establish a Strategic National Stockpile of biodefense products intended to combat terrorist attacks on our homeland. Domestic industry players found it difficult to work with the Bush Administration, and the first several years of the program were marked with frustration and failure. One such company was Emergent Biosolutions, manufacturer of BioThrax, the world’s only FDA-approved vaccine for the deadly Anthrax virus.
While BioThrax was being administered to hundreds of thousands of our men and women in uniform via the Department of Defense (DoD), Emergent found it very difficult to market its product to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for use in the new civilian stockpile, and as a consequence the relationship with the Bush Administration had soured.
Navigators Global was instrumental in leading an effective and productive working relationship for Emergent with HHS. Additionally, Navigators Global developed and educated champions on Capitol Hill for Emergent.
Navigators Global’s efforts resulted in the sale of 28 million doses of BioThrax to HHS for placement into the stockpile, as well as a DoD order for 4 million doses.